Who are Landlord Making Tax Digital? |
Landlord MTD is a support mechanism set up by the non-profit making landlord organisation ‘Portsmouth and District Private Landlords' Association’ (PDPLA). It has been created to help landlords with the creation and management of their letting accounts, as well as the submission
of the accounts to the HMRC. |
We are hoping to carry out the following for landlords: |
(a) |
Offer training sessions and workshops to help landlords create spreadsheets, manage their accounts, and use ‘bridging’ software to submit
accounts to the HMRC. |
(b) |
Provide a range of resources, including: a tax calculator, templates that can be used in account construction, and tax submission tools. |
(c) |
Review and report on ‘bridging’ software that is available to allow the landlord to import data from their spreadsheet to the HMRC. |
(d) |
Report on the landlord requirements of Making Tax Digital through the HMRC. |
The Portsmouth and District Landlords Association together with all contributors to this website
held liable for any outcome related to using the content, advice and resources it contains.
If in doubt, the user should seek professional accountancy and HMRC advice. |